This semester, the literacy levels of my students have
surprised me. They are able to cover a lot of new information and be able
connect older concepts and how they are related to newer topics. They are not able to do just the same
thing. My class is really split right
down the middle of those that are getting it and those that are not.
Journal……Sept. 30, 2013
My literacy rich classroom looks like young kids that are
just starting to develop the skills necessary for the bigger concepts associated
with learning Biology.
My students are engaged in classroom activities and small
cooperative learning moments and are just starting to get comfortable with each
They are reading at or below grade level with very little
reading comprehension.
Diary……December 15, 2013
My literacy rich classroom looks like a small developing
community where students are striving for better understanding of Biology but
that just starting to put in real effort and being proud of their
understanding. The corrections that I
need to make on their writing assignments is starting to decrease and their
penmanship is slightly improved.
My students are engaged in classroom discussions that are
exciting and that kids can take pride and ownership of. They readily take sides and defend them with
They are reading has been improving steadily and are
currently getting close to reading and comprehending at grade level. Many students have excelled past expectations
and I continually challenge them.
They are writing has been increasing as well. Within summary work and lab write ups they
are much more detailed in their thinking and to their conclusions and
continually try to relate previous material to the new content that has just
been learned.
Diary……May 30, 2014
My literacy rich classroom looks like a college prep class. My students are writing well thought out
summaries and Biographies while connecting grammar with content being
studied. They are able to connect the
entire years content and apply it to lab write-ups and essay questions that are
being asked. In addition, they are
asking questions of their own and able to do so because of their understanding
they have gained over the course of the year.
My students are engaged in learning beyond the scope of the
class and taking interest in areas that they are not asked to look at and actively
try and share it with the rest of the class.
They are capable of independent learning in any of the areas
we have covered over the course of the year.
The only thing holding any of them back is just the desire and
confidence to take action. I could not be any prouder of them.
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